Crassula vaginata Eckl. & Zeyh.


Angiosperms > Saxifragales > Crassulaceae > Crassula


A succulent rosette-forming perennial forming clumps up to ± 90 cm. in diameter (fide F.Z.).. Rootstock a fleshy to woody obconical or swollen, sometimes bifurcating tuber with remains of former leaves.. Stems annual, dying back after flowering, erect, usually simple, up to 90 cm. high, usually ± 30 cm., terete, ± stout, up to 10 mm. in diameter at the base, ± glabrous or minutely papillose-pubescent near the base, becoming increasingly papillose upwards, the papillae in broad vertical bands between the nodes alternating with the laminae.. Leaves sessile, oblong-to linear-lanceolate or linear, (1–)2.5–17.5(–35) cm. long, (0.1–)0.2–2.1(–3.5) cm. wide, apex obtuse to subacute, bases of opposite leaves united to form a sheath around the stem (0.5–)1–2.5(–3) cm. high, basal leaves sometimes long-attenuate at the base, margins entire, shortly white papillose-ciliate, otherwise glabrous; cauline leaves, sheaths and internodes shortening towards the apex.. Inflorescence a terminal, repeatedly dichotomous, usually rather dense, subhemispherical, corymbose cyme, with foliaceous bracts; branches ± papillose to subglabrous; pedicels 2–6 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely papillose.. Flowers 5-merous.. Calyx-lobes narrowly to broadly triangular to ovate-lanceolate, (1–)1.5–2.5(–3.5) mm. long, 0.6–0.8 mm. wide, subacute with a terminal obtuse papilla, united at the base for 0.5 mm., margins entire, rarely with a few vestigial papillae.. Petals yellow (not in E. Africa), cream, white or pink, elliptic-oblong to oblong-ovate, oblong or ovate, (2.5–)3–4(–4.5) mm. long, (0.75–)1–1.3(–2.3) mm. wide, obtuse, slightly thickened; base united for ± 0.5–1 mm., entire, glabrous.. Stamen-filaments 1.5–2 mm. long; anthers suborbicular, (0.2–)0.3–0.5 mm. long, yellow.. Nectary scales transversely oblong to almost square, 0.2–0.6 mm. high, 0.4–0.8 mm. wide, truncate or emarginate.. Carpels oblong, up to 2.7 mm. long, rather abruptly contracted into short styles, indistinctly papillose-ciliate along the suture.. Seeds 2–6(–8) per carpel, broadly oblong, ± 0.5 mm. long, ± 0.3 mm. wide, minutely longitudinally rugulose (indistinguishable from those of C. alba).. Fig. 2B.
Leaves 2·5-26·5 x (0·1-0·2) 0·4-2·7(3·3) cm., sometimes up to 37 times longer than wide, the basal ones the longest and rosulate, oblong-to linear-lanceolate or linear, ± attenuate, the lower cauline leaves similar to the basal ones but shorter, the succeeding ones lanceolate or linear to oblong-or ovate-lanceolate, the uppermost sometimes bract-like, all acute or subacute at the apex, entire and with a row of short, contiguous, obtuse, white papillose cilia at the margin, sessile, ± long-connate at the base, clasping the stem below, then subappressed to it, finally erect or somewhat arched, flat, fleshy (but not very thick), pale to bright green when fresh, greenish-brown or dark brown when dry, usually glabrous on both faces or very rarely papillose-hairy beneath or on both surfaces; sheath (0·5)1-3 cm. long in the lower cauline leaves, shortening in the following; all internodes shorter than the leaves (sometimes the stem completely concealed by the sheaths and the clasping part of the laminas) or the upper ones subequalling or longer than them.
Perennial herb, succulent, with one rosette, leaf pairs spirally arranged, old ones remaining on stem, ± 0.5 m high when flowering, tuberous rootstock. Leaves lanceolate to linear-triangular, 5-250 x 6-20 mm, acute, drying from apex, dorsiventrally flattened, grooved above, glabrous except for stout marginal cilia, green to yellowish green. Inflorescence a flat-topped thyrse, many pedicellate flowers; peduncle with leaf-like bracts, shortening upwards. Calyx fleshy, acute drawn into stout hair, with few marginal teeth, yellowish green. Corolla tubular, fused 0.5-1.0 mm, yellow to white; lobes oblong to oblanceolate, 2.5-5.0 mm long, obtuse, slightly hooded, recurved. Flowering time Jan.-Apr.
Stem arising from a fleshy to woody obconical or swollen tuber, erect, straight, usually simple, ± stout (up to 10 mm. in diameter at the base) or sometimes ± slender, terete, pale-or yellow-green below, bright red to reddish-brown above, usually crimson on drying, glabrous towards the base, papillose-hairy or shortly papillose upwards below the nodes along two ± short stripes alternating with the lamina of the leaves (the papillae usually very short, patent, obtuse or, if long, then hair-like), or completely glabrous, rarely papillose throughout.
Calyx (1)1·5-3(4) mm. long, 1/3-1/2 (2/3) as long as corolla, rarely subequalling it, pale green; sepals ovate-lanceolate or ovate-elliptic to linear-lanceolate, not or ± attenuate, acute, with one terminal ± long obtuse papilla at the apex, usually entire and without marginal papillae or sometimes obtuse papillae present over a short to ±: long extent of the margin as well as on the median nerve above.
A succulent herb. It can grow 90 cm high. It forms clumps about 90 cm across. The stem rises from a fleshy swollen tuber. The stem is straight and erect and simple. The leaves are 3-26 cm long by 1-3 cm wide. They are narrow. The leaves near the base are the longest. The flowers are in a dense head. This can be 2-22 cm across. The fruit is a follicle with small seeds.
Corolla (2·25)2·5-3·5(4·5) mm. long, white, pinkish-white or cream-white, sometimes red-tipped, or yellow, rarely red; petals 0·75-1·5(2) mm. wide, elliptic-oblong to ovate-oblong or ovate, obtuse or nearly so, slightly thickened at the top, not or indistinctly mucronate below the apex, smooth.
Flowers 5-merous in a repeatedly dichotomous, usually very dense, subhemispherical, corymbose inflorescence, 1·5-22(30) cm. in diam.; branches ± papillose to nearly glabrous; pedicels 2-6 mm. long, glabrous or sparsely papillose.
Follicles (incl. styles) 2-2·5(2·75) mm. long, contracted into the very short styles.
A succulent, 8-90 cm. high perennial, forming clumps up to about 90 cm. in diameter.
Filaments 1·5-2 mm. long; anthers (0·25)0·3-0·4(0·5) mm., subcircular.
Seeds c. 0·5 mm. long, oblong.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.7 - 0.9
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway cam


It is a tropical plant. It grows on mountain slopes among rocks and in grassland. It grows up to 2,680 m altitude.
Light -
Soil humidity 4-6
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


The roots are round up and made into porridge.
Uses medicinal
Edible roots
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity light
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Crassula vaginata flower picture by Fabien Anthelme (cc-by-sa)


Crassula vaginata world distribution map, present in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, eSwatini, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000625585
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Sedum vaginatum Crassula crassiflora Sedum crassiflorum Crassula drakensbergensis Crassula mannii Crassula retrorsa Crassula schweinfurthii Crassula spectabilis Crassula vaginata Crassula vaginata subsp. vaginata

Lower taxons

Crassula vaginata subsp. minuta