Leaves opposite, petiolate, the blades mostly oblong or elliptic, often coriaceous; venation mostly closely reticulate; stipules intrapetiolar, broad, connate to form a tube, made up of 2 triangular parts joined by thinner tissue, undivided, persistent or deciduous.
Flowers hermaphrodite, heterostylous, 5-merous, in small subcapitate or somewhat elongated occasionally 2-branched cymes, the peduncles short or less often long and slender, strongly compressed, axillary or more usually supra-axillary; bracteoles present.
Ovary 2-locular; ovules solitary in each locule, pendulous from the apex; style filiform; stigma divided into 2 linear papillate branches or fusiform, bifid.
Seeds pendulous, hemispherical or almost bowl-shaped, dorsally convex, ventrally deeply excavated; albumen fleshy; embryo small with a superior radicle.
Corolla salver-shaped or somewhat funnel-shaped with short or elongated tube and densely hairy or less often glabrous throat.
Fruit subglobose, pea-like, sessile or pedicellate, 1 (2)-locular, 1-seeded; endocarp chartaceous.
Calyx tube obconic or turbinate; limb cupular, truncate, sinuate or shortly 5-dentate, persistent.
Stamens either included in the throat or exserted; anthers linear-oblong, dorsifixed.
Glabrous trees or shrubs mostly with yellow-green foliage.
Disk annular, thick.