Plants mostly 800-1000 mm high. Corm globose, persisting series forming chains, ± 25 mm diam.; tunics brown, fibrous. Stem suberect or inclined to horizontal, simple or with 1 or 2 short branches. Leaves few in basal fan, ± lanceolate with narrow, petiole-like base, pleated, shorter than stem, decreasing in size above, 35-70 mm wide. Spike arching outward, ± horizontal, with many flowers borne on upper side in 2 rows facing outward; bracts soft-textured, purplish green, becoming dry from tips, outer 8-10 mm long, inner bifid and shorter than outer. Flowers zygomorphic, deep orange, ± trumpet-shaped, dorsal tepal horizontal, remaining tepals arching outward and spreading in upper 1/2, unscented; perianth tube narrow below, wider and cylindric above, 40-45 mm long; tepals unequal, dorsal largest, 20-30 x 10-12 mm, remaining tepals 14-20 x 7-8 mm. Filaments 45-50 mm long; anthers 6-7 mm long. Style 50-60 mm long, dividing opposite upper 1/2 of anthers, ultimately branches exceeding anther tips, 3.5 mm long, bilobed to shallowly forked at tips. Capsules depressed-globose, 3-lobed, 6 x 8 mm, green, often flushed dull red, drying brown. Seeds ± globose, dull reddish brown.
Geophyte, up to 1 m high, solitary or in small clumps. Leaves with blade pleated. Flowers: in a spike held horizontally, straight to slightly zigzagging; perianth hooded, funnel-shaped, 70-90 mm long, red-orange; Jan., Feb.