Standard subcircular, pink to mauve or purplish with darker lines; wings oblong-obovate, exceeding the keel; keel 1.4–1.6 cm long, strongly rounded about the middle, with a fairly short somewhat projecting pointed beak.
Racemes terminal and sometimes also axillary with the few flowers rather crowded towards the top; bracts 3–4(8) mm long, linear to linear-lanceolate; bracteoles on the pedicel, filiform.
Suffrutex with woody rootstock and numerous spreading or ascending subangular stems up to 75 cm tall, glabrous overall except for minute puberulence on the youngest parts.
Calyx 1.2–1.6(1.7) cm long, drying blackish; upper and lateral lobes on either side coherent, narrowly attenuate-triangular, more than twice as long as the tube.
Pod subsessile, 3–3.5 cm long, oblong-clavate to subcylindrical, with c. 10 seeds.
Mature seeds not seen.