Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets variable, (1.5)2–7 × 0.4–2.3 cm, oblong-oblanceolate to elliptic, subrhombic or obovate-oblong, subglabrous to appressed pubescent beneath; petioles mostly 1–3 cm long; stipules (4)7–14 mm long, obliquely linear-lanceolate to falcate, acuminate, markedly unequal-sided.
Standard ovate, yellow, marked reddish-brown or orange, glabrous or practically so outside; wings as long as the keel; keel (1)1.15–1.5 cm long, abruptly rounded in the lower half, with a straight tapered beak, lanate towards the upper edge.
Racemes 3.5–23 cm long, with few to many flowers rather closely arranged at least towards the top; bracts 2–5(8) mm long, filiform, early caducous.
Pod 2.3–3 × 0.8–1 cm, cylindrical, abruptly contracted to the 1–4 mm long stipe, thinly appressed puberulous, c. 18–26-seeded.
Seeds c. 4 mm long, oblong-reniform, with a very small aril, minutely granulate, pale yellow to brown.
Calyx 6–8(10) mm long, appressed puberulous; lobes triangular-subulate, longer than the tube.
Perennial up to 60 cm tall, with generally several pubescent ascending or spreading stems.
A branched shrubby herb. It grows 1 m high.
A branched shrubby herb, up to 6 ft. high
Flowers yellow tinged red.