Leaves often little developed at flowering time, mostly 3-foliolate, uppermost often 1-foliolate; leaflets 4–14 × 0.5–3(4) mm, linear-oblanceolate to oblanceolate, acute to obtuse or rarely rounded at the apex, often folded lengthwise, glabrous or nearly so above, finely pubescent beneath; petiole 1–3(10) mm long, channelled; stipules 0.
Standard broadly elliptic-obovate, yellow, usually flushed crimson-purple, usually thinly but extensively pubescent outside; wings ± as long as the keel; keel 5–7 mm long, angular, with a narrow twisted beak slightly incurved at the tip.
Racemes (3)7–12 cm long, subdense at first, becoming lax, (6)10–24-flowered, often with flowers in the axils below; bracts 1–3(6) mm long, linear-lanceolate, usually shorter than the pedicel; bracteoles on the pedicel, setaceous.
Stems several to many, erect from a slender vertical and rhizomatous rootstock, 8–35 cm tall, slender, simple to sparingly branched, scarcely ribbed, appressed or subappressed pubescent.
Calyx 3–4 mm long, appressed pubescent; lobes triangular to triangular-lanceolate, 1.2–1.5(2) times as long as the tube.
Pod nearly sessile, 5–7 × 3–4 mm, ovoid-globose to shortly oblong-ovoid, appressed pubescent, 4–10-seeded.
Seeds c. 2 mm long, rounded-cordiform, smooth, brown, exarillate.