Tree to 30 m high. Branchlets rusty-pubescent. Leaves alternate; lamina narrowly ovate to oblong-elliptic, 7–21 cm long, obtuse to rounded and oblique at base, entire, shortly acuminate at apex, glossy above, slightly pubescent below in angles of 8–12 lateral veins, finely reticulate-veined; petiole 5–15 mm long. Panicles axillary and terminal, often combining into large, terminal panicles, rusty-pubescent. Flowers greenish white, sessile. Hypanthium campanulate, c. 2 mm long. Perianth segments elliptic, rounded, c. 2 mm long, densely pubescent outside, caducous. Fertile stamens with pubescent filaments; staminodes sagittate, subsessile. Fruit in clusters, ± spherical, 12–15 mm diam., thinly fleshy, shining purplish black, with a circular, apical scar. Seed solitary.
An important constituent of the primary forest on the plateau, forming about 5% of the main canopy and in marginal forest on the terraces, where it may become one of the emergent species.