Plants leafless. Flower stem 80–450 mm long, stiff, usually yellowish green, 1–15-flowered. Flowers 20–30 × 6–8 mm. Perianth segments yellowish. Dorsal sepal 15–22 × 1–1.5 mm, decurved. Lateral sepals 15–22 × 1–1.5 mm, divergent, spreading or reflexed. Petals 7–10 × 0.5 mm, spreading or reflexed. Labellum stiffly erect and held close to stem, curved, 20–33 × 6–8 mm when flattened, dark red, covered with short stiff glandular hairs, margins recurved, apex bluntly rounded. Callus of three dark ridges, coalescing near middle. Column c. 2.5 × 2 mm.
Highly localised and appearing sporadically. Found growing among shrubs and tussocks in a range of forested habitats extending from coast to ranges and tablelands, including tall moist forest, drier open forest, and heathy or shrubby forests in moist to dry clay loam. In some coastal areas it is found in dense heath, grasstree plains, coastal wallum communities, grassland, and sedgeland in moist, sandy soil and peat. Small plants are also occasionally be found growing in accumulations of decaying eucalypt leaves and litter in roadside drains and washes.