Tufted, dwarf succulent shrublet, with short rhizome and few thick, erect, tubercled stems, up to 50 mm tall, crowned with leaves, roots slightly swollen. Leaves crowded at stem tips, narrowly fusiform, uncinate, 60-150 x 2-4 mm, with dorsal window. Flowerheads solitary on sparsely bracteate peduncles up to 200 mm long, disciform, marginal florets female and filiform, dull greenish yellow, fragrant; involucre cylindrical, 10-15 mm diam., bracts 10-16, 15-20 x 2-5 mm, bracteoles 1-3, subulate.
Like S. crassulifolius but flower heads solitary, large, and outer florets female with reduced corolla.