Parasitic, twining herb. Stems medium, yellowish. Inflorescences few-flowered; pedicels short. Flowers 2.0-2.5 mm long, glandular, 4-merous. Calyx ± equalling corolla tube; lobes oblong to lanceolate, ± obtuse, sinuses rounded. Corolla divided ± halfway down; tube broadly campanulate; lobes acute to obtuse, erect to spreading, lanceolate-oblong. Stamens ± shorter than corolla lobes; anthers shorter than filaments. Scales bifurcate at apex, adnate to sinus between corolla lobes. Ovary globose; styles slender, ± shorter than ovary. Flowering time Jan.-Apr. Fruit a depressed-globose capsule, irregularly dehiscent. Seeds ± 2 mm long, subglobose.
Leafless, parasitic, annual vine, stems thread-like. Flowers in umbellate cymes, greenish, 4-lobed, calyx as long as corolla tube, corolla scales bifid, stigmas globose.