Stems medium, yellowish. Flowers white, becoming reddish, fragrant, in loose cymose clusters on short pedicels, often somewhat fleshy and granulate, 3-5 mm long. Calyx campanulate-turbinate, deep; lobes usually short, triangular, acute, but sometimes longer, lanceolate and if so, then longer than corolla tube. Corolla lobes spreading or reflexed, lanceolate or triangular-lanceolate, acute, as long as or longer than corolla tube. Stamens shorter than corolla lobes; filaments longer than anthers. Scales large, oblong, reaching stamens, fringed, free at apex. Ovary globose; styles ± as long as oblong-cylindrical thickened stigmas, both usually longer than ovary. Capsule globose, depressed near style bases, circumscissile near base. Seeds ±1.5 mm long, ovoid-oblong or ovoid; hilum small, circular to oblong. Flowering time throughout the year, mostly November to January.
Like C. africana but calyx often > corolla tube with acute lobes and stigmas > styles.