female flowers in rather few-flowered axillary fascicles; ovary compressed, one-locular; ovule solitary, pendulous; perianth similar to that of male flower; disk 3-angled, basal; styles 3, very short.
Stamens united into a single central column, inserted on the basal disk; thecae 2, semi-circular, horizontal, apical on the short central column, forming a split horizontal ring.
Scandent herbs, stems becoming woody when old, arising from perennial tuberous rootstock.
male flowers in lax, many-flowered, axillary paniculoid fascicles.
Fruit compressed, samaroid, one-seeded, elliptic in outline.
Flowers small, greenish-yellow, dioecious, regular.
Seed elliptic in outline, compressed, rather large.
Receptacle-tube very shallow, lobes 5, small.
Leaves simple, petiolate.
Tendrils apically 2-fid.
Petals 5, free, small.