Erect epiphytic herbs with slender cylindric pseudobulbs 15-30 cm. tall and 2-3 cm. in thickness. Leaves plicate, deciduous, typical of the genus. Staminate inflorescences those most frequently seen, usually densely flowered, elongate and pendulous: Sepals membranaceous, free, subequal, rosy pink with white shadings, dorsal sepal erect, undulate, the apex recurved, lanceolate, acute, 2.3-2.6 cm. long and .7-.9 cm. wide, laterals often strongly reflexed, the apices recurved, lanceolate, acute, 2-2.2 cm. long and .6-.8 cm. wide. Petals membranaceous, colored sim-ilarly to the sepals, spreading, the apical halves very strongly recurved or revolute, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, 2-2.2 cm. long and 0.9-1.1 cm. wide. Lip membrana-ceous, truly clawed at the base, middle concavity white, orbicular, lateral margins crenate or with very short rounded or subclavate teeth, apex linear-lanceolate, acute, about equaling the middle concavity in length, base of the middle concavity with 2 erect, fleshy, ligular crests. Column very slender, arcuate, dilated at the apex. Anther and pollinia normal. Pistillate flowers relatively large and fleshy, nearly identical with those of Cycnoches aureum, produced on short, arching, few-flowered racemes, or rarely subtended by few or many of the smaller staminate form.