Epiphytic herbs, typical of the genus, nearly identical with C. aureum and C. Dianae. Flowers dimorphic, unisexual. Staminate flowers those most frequently seen, produced in long, dense, pendent racemes from the upper half of the pseudo-bulbs: sepals membranaceous, subequal, green suffused purple on the frontal sur-faces, or more frequently green or greenish tan spotted with red-brown, maroon or purple, dorsal sepal erect, lanceolate, acute, the apex often recurved, 2.5-3 cm. long and .5-.7 cm. wide, the laterals spreading, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, often with the apical half strongly revolute, 2-2.5 cm. long and .6-1.0 cm. wide. Petals membranaceous, colored similarly to the sepals, spreading, the apical half usually strongly revolute, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, 2-2.5 cm. long and 1-1.2 cm. wide. Lip membranaceous, truly clawed at the base, green tinged purple to pure white, the middle concavity ovate to orbicular, the lateral margins with elongate, rounded, clavate, or rarely forked teeth, equaling or exceeding the middle concavity in length; apical lobe lanceolate, acute or acuminate, the base of the middle con-cavity with 2 erect, truncate or subclavate, fleshy crests. Column slender, terete, arcuate, 2 cm. long, dilated at the apex. Anther normal; pollinia 2, waxy. Pistillate flowers relatively large, fleshy, borne on short, arching, few-flowered racemes, nearly identical with those of Cycnoches aureum.