Male flowers: calyx cupuliform, obsoletely 3–5-denticulate; corolla tube cylindrical, with 5 lobes shorter than the tube, their aestivation contorted; stamens 10 in 2 whorls in the mouth of the corolla tube, connate into a ring at the base; alternipetalous anthers borne on short filaments, oppositipetalous ones almost sessile; anthers linear-lanceolate, apiculate, introrse; rudimentary gynoecium present, comprising a small solid hemispherical ovary produced into a slender cerete style.
Female flowers: calyx cupuliform, entire; petals 5, free, oblong-acute, valvate; androecium absent; stigmas 5, free above but connate at the base, linear-oblong, entire, swollen, patent-erect, velvety-papillose all round; ovary ovoid, 5-locular, the numerous ovules borne at the outer angles of the dissepiments.
Seeds with fleshy testa ornamented with a prominent cristate keel and irregular longitudinal interrupted cristate ribs; endosperm copious.
Inflorescences axillary, the male many-flowered panicles, the female of solitary flowers or short few-flowered racemes.
Monoecious trees armed with short conical spines, all parts exuding abundant latex when wounded.
Fruit a subpentagonal, 5-locular, many-seeded berry, the locules not filled with pulp.
Leaves in a cluster at the top of the stem, palmately lobed, petioles long
Female flowers solitary or in short few-flowered inflorescences
Trees with very soft wood and copious milky juice, stem prickly
Corolla lobes alternating with the calyx teeth
Stamens connate into a tube at the base
Male flowers numerous, paniculate
Leaves palmately lobed.
Inflorescences axillary
Fruit a 5-gonous berry.