Aerial stem-parasitic shrubs with epicortical runners bearing secondary haustoria. Leaves opposite, usually darker and glossier above than below; venation pinnate. Inflorescences in the leaf axils or depressions at the stem nodes, developing successively, sessile or almost so, a very contracted or capitate raceme of one or more decussate pairs of dichasia (triads) or rarely dyads, developing beneath the stem periderm which forms a blister-like calyptra which falls in one piece or ruptures as the flowers expand; triads and individual flowers sessile or with minute peduncles and pedicels, these sometimes developing only in fruit; bracts single under each flower and together forming an involucre under each triad. Corolla 6-merous, regular, choripetalous although with the petals coherent into a short tube at the base after anthesis. Anthers basifixed, sessile. Style simple, often articulate above the base, usually with a small knob-like stigma. Fruit ellipsoid, usually with a persistent nipple-like style base. Fig. 16.