Biennial or perennial (base not known). Whole plant golden sericeous tomentose. Stem more than 40 cm high, upright, angulate, branched in the upper part. Basal leaves unknown; stem leaves tapering gradually into a short petiole or semiamplexicaulous, lanceolate-oblong to oblong, 15-20 cm long with petiole, 1.2-4.5 mm wide, sligtly attenuate at apex. Cymes terminal and axillary, dense, ebracteate, on long peduncles; flowers subsessile, fruiting pedicels very short, slightly bent downwards. Calyx 3.5 mm long, sepals free to the base. Corolla white, cylindrical-campanulate, 4 mm long, lobes ovate, as long as tube; fornices subquadrate. Stamens: anthers subsessile in the middle of the tube. Pistil: style very short, but much longer than the nutlets. Immature nutlets only known, very small, rounded, with very short glochids, inserted at base of the elongated gynobase.