Raceme twining, usually very lax, often more than 50 cm. long, sometimes with ± short and few–flowered branches below; pedicels 2–10(20) mm. long, very finely crisped pubescent to almost glabrous; bracts leaf–like, diminishing in size upwards; bracteoles 0·8–5 mm. long, filiform to lanceolate–acuminate, sometimes denticulate.
Corolla 9–17 mm. long, pale pink to purple or almost white, ± saccate at the base, split to the base into 2 lips, the upper 3–lobed but finally ± disintegrating, the lower divided into 2 free petals; all petals linear, glabrous or sparsely pubescent outside, white pubescent inside, at least on the lower half.
Leaves petiolate, up to 30–100 x (3)6–40(55) mm., linear to ovate, acute to acuminate or rarely ± obtuse at the apex, attenuate to truncate or subcordate at the base, serrate, glabrous or rarely short pubescent above; venation prominent beneath; petiole 1·5–25 mm. long, often curved.
Twining and climbing herb, well–developed specimens forming tangling masses, usually more than 1 m. and up to several m. long, from a subglobose tuber, c. 2–3 cm. in diameter; stems sparsely branched, ribbed, glabrous or sparsely puberulous in the inflorescence region only.
Stamens 4–8 mm. long; filaments linear, dilated and connate at the base, ± pubescent; anthers elliptic–oblong, 2–3·2 mm. long, lanate with curled hairs c. 1·2–1·5 mm. long on the back of the connective, and at the tip with a tuft of hairs, 0·2–0·5 mm. long.
Capsule ovoid to subglobose, inferior part 3–5·5 mm. long, membranous, with 10 distinct nerves connected by weak transversal nerves; valves 2·5–5 mm. long.
Calyx–lobes narrowly triangular, erect to reflexed, 1·5–4 mm. or up to 10 mm. long in fruit, with 1–5 pairs of teeth at the margin, glabrous.
Seeds: ± broadly elliptic in outline, ± compressed or irregularly angular, c. 0·8–1·6 mm. long, coarsely reticulate, brown.
Hypanthium broadly obconical, 10–nerved, shortly pubescent to glabrous.
Ovary semi–inferior; style 2·5–5·5 mm. long.