Stamens c. 4 mm. long; filaments linear, free, pubescent above, dilated and ciliate at the base; anthers narrowly elliptic–oblong, c. 2 mm. long, dorsally shortly pubescent and with a short tuft of hairs at the apex.
Leaves subsessile, crowded towards the base of the stem, 20·70 mm. x 8·37 mm., elliptic to ovate, acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, glabrous; margin serrate, slightly revolute; veins prominent beneath.
Corolla 10–12 mm. long, very pale lilac, tubular with 5 subequal c. 5 mm. long lobes, apparently early splitting along the ventral suture, sparsely papillose on the outside, hairy within.
Erect herb, c. 25 cm. tall; stem unbranched, ribbed, papillose at the base, shortly pubescent in the inflorescence region, otherwise glabrous.
Calyx–lobes linear oblong, erect, 4–6 mm. long, glabrous, with 1–2 pairs of teeth at the margin.
Hypanthium broadly obconical, 10–nerved, shortly pubescent.
Capsule and seeds not known.
Style c. 3·5 mm. long.