Cyrtomium pseudocaryotideum J.P.Roux


Pteridophytes > Polypodiales > Dryopteridaceae > Dryopteridoideae > Cyrtomium


Plants terrestrial. Rhizome simple, ascending to erect, stout, to 80 mm long, to 7 mm in diameter, set with roots, crowded, spirally arranged persistent stipe bases, live fronds, and scales, the scales broadly attached, ferrugineous, often castaneous and glossy centrally, chartaceous, narrowly triangular to oblong-acuminate, to 10 mm long, to 1.5 mm wide, the margins variously set with short, angular and/or curved outgrowths and long, pluricellular, uniseriate outgrowths, the scale apex often flagelliform, terminating in a uniseriate series of filiform cells. Fronds up to 9 per plant, caespitose, arching, to 760 mm long; stipes proximally dark brown, paler higher up, firm, to 320 mm long, to 5 mm in diameter, sulcate adaxially, proximally densely scaled, moderately scaled higher up, the scales ferrugineous, frequently with a castaneous central region near the point of attachment or near the scale apex, or castaneous throughout, chartaceous, broadly attached to cordate, oblong-acuminate to broadly ovate, to 11 mm long, to 6 mm wide, the margins irregularly set with short angular and curved outgrowths as well as long, pluricellular, uniseriate outgrowths, the scale apex terminating in a uniseriate series of filiform cells; laminae lanceolate, to 450 mm long, to 130 mm wide, 1-pinnate, with (6-)7(-11) sub-opposite to alternate pinna pairs reduced in size towards the lamina apex, the pinna pairs more widely spaced towards the base, not reduced, the distal pinnae never overlapping; rachis sulcate adaxially, the sulcus not confluent with that of the costae, variously scaled, the scales ferrugineous, the larger often centrally castaneous, chartaceous, cordate, filiform to narrowly triangular, to 3 mm long, to 0.2 mm wide, the margins variously set with long and twisted, pluricellular, uniseriate, filiform outgrowths, the scale apex flagelliform, terminating in a uniseriate series of filiform cells; pinnae petiolate at the lamina base, sessile at the apex, the petiole to 3 mm long, closely set with scales similar to but smaller than those on the rachis, the pinnae herbaceous, green adaxially, marginally paler abaxially, inaequilateral, lanceolate, to 135 mm long, to 48 mm wide, falcate, the basal 1 to 3 pinna pairs mostly acroscopically auriculate, the auricle variously developed, acute to obtuse, the basiscopic margin narrowly to broadly cuneate, the acroscopic margin truncate to broadly cuneate, the margins irregularly serrate, thickened, the terminal pinna oblique, mostly with an auricle developed on one side, frequently on both, the auricles poorly to strongly developed, adaxially with ferrugineous, chartaceous, linear to filiform scales similar to, but smaller than those on the rachis along the petioles and costae, and with scattered, appressed, uniseriate hairs to 0.25 mm long on the laminae, abaxially with scales along the pinna petioles and costae, the scales twisted, ferrugineous to stramineous, thinly chartaceous, filiform, to 2.5 mm long, and with scattered ferrugineous to stramineous, uniseriate hairs to 0.1 mm long, and paleasters to 0.25 mm long; costae shallowly sulcate adaxially, pronounced abaxially, proximally closely set with scales similar to that on the pinna stalk; venation evident or obscure, reticulate, primary veins obscure, often conspicuous abaxially when dry, areolae regularly storied, the 1 order areolae more or less transversely broadly rhomboid in outline, with a single, simple, excurrent free vein branch arising from the primary vein, the 2nd order areolae obliquely broadly lunate, with 1 or 2 simple, excurrent, free vein branches arising from the 1 order connectives, the higher order areolae polygonal, with or without a single, simple, free vein branch, ultimate vein branches free, ending near the pinna margin; stomata hypostomatic, guard cells (52-)58(-64) µm long. Sori more commonly confined to the distal parts of the lamina and pinnae, scattered, medial or inframedial on the free vein branches in areolae, circular, to 1.5 mm in diameter at maturity; indusia persistent or deciduous, peltate, pale brown at maturity, firmly chartaceous, circular, the margins shallowly repand, 1.6 to 1.8 mm in diameter, often everted; receptacle nude, raised; sporangia stalks long, simple, 3-seriate below the capsule, capsule broadly elliptic in lateral view, with 13(-15) indurated annulus cells, epistomium (3-)4-celled, hypostomium (3-)4(-5)-celled; spores apogamous, 32 per sporangium, brown, ellipsoidal, monolete, perispore with large inflated tubercules, the surfaces smooth, endospore (30.0-)34.8(-42.0) µm long. Chromosome number: unknown.
Rhizome ascending to erect, stout, up to 80 mm long, up to 7 mm in diam., with persistent stipe bases and scales; scales ferruginous, often castaneous and glossy centrally, chartaceous, narrowly triangular to oblong-acuminate, up to 10 x 1.5 mm, with short, angular and/or curved outgrowths along margins. Fronds up to 9 per plant, arching, up to 760 mm long. Stipe proximally dark brown, paler higher up, firm, up to 320 mm long, up to 5 mm in diam., sulcate adaxially, proximally densely scaled, scales ferruginous, with castaneous central region near point of attachment or near scale apex, or castaneous throughout, chartaceous, oblong-acuminate to broadly ovate, up to 11 x 6 mm, margins with outgrowths. Laminae lanceolate, up to 450 x 130 mm, 1-pinnate, with 6-11 subopposite to alternate pinna pairs reduced in size towards lamina apex. Pinnae herbaceous, green adaxially, marginally paler abaxially, inequilateral, lanceolate, up to 135 x 48 mm, falcate, basal 1-3 pinna pairs mostly acroscopically auriculate, auricle variously developed, acute to obtuse, basiscopic margin narrowly to broadly cuneate, acroscopic margin truncate to broadly cuneate, margins irregularly serrate, thickened, terminal pinna oblique, mostly with an auricle developed on one side, frequently on both, the auricles poorly to strongly developed, adaxially with ferruginous, chartaceous, linear to filiform scales similar to, but smaller than those on rachis along the petioles and costae, abaxially with scales along pinna petioles and costae, scales twisted, ferruginous to stramineous, thinly chartaceous, filiform, up to 2.5 mm long, and with scattered ferruginous to stramineous hairs; venation evident or obscure, reticulate; petiolate at lamina base, petioles up to 3 mm long, sessile at apex. Sori mostly on distal parts of lamina and pinnae, scattered, medial or inframedial on free vein branches in areolae, round, up to 1.5 mm in diam. at maturity. Indusium persistent or deciduous, peltate, pale brown at maturity, firmly chartaceous, round, margins shallowly repand, up to 1.8 mm in diam., often everted.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity 4-9
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Cyrtomium pseudocaryotideum world distribution map, present in South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0001043162
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Cyrtomium pseudocaryotideum