A pendulous epiphyte with a long stem.. Leaves linear-oblanceolate, unequally roundly bilobed at apex, 11–25 cm. long, 1.9–3.2 cm. wide.. Inflorescences 13–23 cm. long, 7–10-flowered; peduncle ± 3 cm. long, covered by sheathing bracts; bracts cymbiform, broadly ovate, obtuse, 18–23 mm. long, 10–22 mm. apart.. Flowers white, scented; pedicel and ovary 42–45 mm. long.. Sepals linear-lanceolate, long-acuminate, recurved, 45–49 mm. long, 6.5–9 mm. wide.. Petals similar, 40 mm. long, 5.5 mm. wide.. Lip linear-lanceolate, long-acuminate, recurved, 40–42 mm. long, 5 mm. wide.. Spur incurved to sigmoid, 9.5–14.5 cm. long.. Column 2.5 mm. long; rostellum 6.5 mm. long; viscidium bipartite.. Fig. 141.