Stem massive, usually creeping, covered with long hairs. Fronds tufted, bipinnate; stipe grooved on adaxial surface, vascular tissue arranged as in Dicksonia; upper surface of pinna-rachis antrorsely hairy and grooved, the groove not open to admit the grooves of midribs of pinnules; pinnules slightly dimorphous, sterile ones serrate, fertile ones with slightly narrower lamina and teeth enlarged to protect sori; veins in pinnules pinnately arranged, oblique, often forked in larger pinnules, simple in smaller ones except for the basal pair which may be pinnate; sori terminal on veins, receptacle slightly raised, round in section, tooth of lamina reflexed and enlarged, forming an outer indusium, inner indusium smaller and thinner, attached only at the base of the sorus; paraphyses abundant, as simple multiseptate hairs lacking a terminal glandularcell; sporangia stalked, stalk as long as body of the sporangium, annulus complete and slightly oblique but not indurated at base where it passes the stalk; spores trilete.