Glabrous except for young inflorescence parts sometimes shortly hairy. Leaves opposite or scattered; lamina mostly narrowly elliptic to ovate, 5-10(-14) cm long, mostly 3-6 cm wide, usually attenuate or cuneate at the base to a petiole up to 15 mm long, less commonly truncate or slightly cordate and more or less sessile, mostly somewhat attenuate and finally rounded at the apex, dull on both sides, sometimes darker above; venation pinnate with the midrib prominent below and the main laterals visible on both sides. Inflorescences at the nodes, a raceme of (2-)3-7 opposite pairs of triads with all flowers sessile; axis (17-)25-70 mm long, flowerless in the lower (5-)10-20 mm; peduncles of the triads 0-4 mm long, secund. Corolla in mature bud 6-(rarely 5-)merous, (11-) 13—19(—21) mm long, usually dilated but not globular in the lower part, moderately robust, shortly clavate and obtuse at the apex, mostly yellow or orange or red, darker below than above; petals in the open flower separating to the base or coherent in the lower 3 mm. Anther (1.5-)2.5-3(-4) mm long, acute, usually much longer than the free part of the filament and mostly subsessile or sessile.