Glabrous. Leaves opposite; lamina narrowly ovate to broadly ovate or rhomboid, 3-7 (-9) by 2.5-5 cm, cuneate or attenuate at the base to a distinct petiole 10-20 mm long, acute to rounded at the apex, dull on both sides or darker and slightly lustrous above, thin; venation pinnate with the midrib and the main laterals usually distinct on both sides. Inflorescences at the nodes, a raceme of mostly 3-6 opposite evenly spaced pairs of triads with the central flower sessile and the lateral flowers pedicellate; axis 20-30 mm long; peduncles of the triads 4-6 mm long, secund; pedicels of the lateral flowers 0.5-2 mm long. Corolla in mature bud 6-(rarely 5-)merous, (25-)35-50 mm long, slender, clavate and obtuse at the apex, mostly red, often darker towards the tip, but predominantly yellow in some populations; petals in the open flower usually separating to the base but sometimes long coherent in the lower 2 mm. Anther 2-3(-5) mm long, obtuse below a short mucro, finely transversely septate prior to anthesis, slightly shorter than the free part of the filament.