Shrubs or trees, to 20 m tall. Branchlets terete, grayish tomentose or sericeous. Petiole 3-7 mm, pubescent or glabrous; leaf blade elliptic, ovate, oblong, or lanceolate, 4-13 × 1.2-6 cm, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, midvein abaxially slightly raised, secondary veins inconspicuous, intramarginal veins 1-2 mm from margin, base cuneate to obtuse, apex usually acuminate with a 0.5-2 cm acumen. Inflorescences axillary or terminal, when axillary then thyrses or rarely some flowers in racemes in more basal axils, when terminal then paniculately arranged and to 9 cm; bracts ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-2 cm, usually caducous. Flowers bisexual or staminate, (4 or)5-merous; bracteoles lanceolate, 1-1.5 mm, caducous. Hypanthium sericeous, 1-1.5 mm. Calyx lobes to 1-2 × 1-2 mm, unequal, ± glabrous, margin ciliate, apex obtuse to sometimes truncate or acute. Petals white or pink, orbicular, 3-4 mm, margin ciliate. Stamens 3-4 mm; filaments pink or white. Ovary 4-6-loculed. Style 3-6 mm; stigma peltate. Fruit 3-5 mm in diam., sparsely pubescent. Seeds 3-12 per fruit. Fl. spring-summer.
A small tree or shrub. The small branches are very numerous. The leaves are pink in new growth and have a fine covering of silky hairs. They are shiny and become soft green. The leaves are opposite with a blunt point at the base and smooth when old. The flower arrangement is at the ends of branches or from upper leaf axils. The petals are white or pink. The fruit are flat and round and turn red when ripe.