Tree to c. 10 m high. Leaves (20–) 40–70 (–85) cm long; leaflets (7–) 9–19, narrowly ovate to elliptic-oblong, 6–22 cm long, 2–8 cm wide, rounded to truncate or subcordate at base, entire or in juvenile foliage irregularly serrate margin, obtuse to acute at apex, usually folded along midrib. Inflorescence pendulous, 35–60 cm long, covered with greyish scurf, (the inflorescence axes and pedicels covered with a grey-brown, corky, exfoliating periderm, fide Lowry 1986: 175); secondary axes 9–45, 3–30 cm long, each with a terminal umbellule of (15–) 20–40 bisexual flowers and 1–15 (–20) lateral umbellules of male or bisexual flowers. Calyx lobes 0.5–0.8 mm long; tube c. 2 mm long. Petals 1.6–2.2 mm long, yellow-green. Filaments 1.5–2.2 mm long. Fruit globose to ovoid, 6–10 mm long, purplish black, smooth, ribbed when dry. For more detailed description see Lowry (1986).