Pseudobulbs cylindrical, 200–600 × 6 mm, wiry, becoming furrowed with age, usually yellowish brown. Leaves 2–4, 40–80 × 15–25 mm, dark green. Racemes 10–40 mm long, 1–8-flowered. Flowers 20–35 × 20–30 mm, white, greenish, pale yellow to yellow or apricot-coloured, often petals paler than sepals. Sepals and petals fleshy, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal erect to recurved, 12–17 × 4–5 mm. Lateral sepals widely divergent, 10–15 × 4.5–5.5 mm. Petals obliquely erect and spreading, 9–14 × 3–4 mm. Labellum c. 9 × 5 mm, wholly white to green or with reddish markings, shortly hairy; lateral lobes erect beside column, bluntly pointed; midlobe cordate, tapered to short point, with prominent central ridge.