Pseudobulbs narrowly cylindrical, 20–240 × 3–4 mm, thin, shallowly furrowed, pale green to yellowish, with numerous aerial growths. Leaves 1–3, 50–80 × 10–20 mm, dark green, thin-textured. Racemes 30–45 mm long, 1– 5-flowered. Flowers 27–40 × 25–35 mm, cream to white with yellow and purple central suffusions, labellum white with purple markings. Sepals and petals fleshy, widely spreading. Dorsal sepal obliquely erect, 22–26 × 6–8 mm. Lateral sepals widely divergent, 24–26 × 12–14 mm. Petals obliquely erect, 20–22 × 4–5 mm. Labellum c. 14 × 13 mm when flattened, white with purplish red suffusions and markings; lateral lobes triangular, erect beside column; midlobe rounded when flattened, margins often strongly incurved, with single yellow ridge, margins and upper surface with short dense tangled transparent hairs.
Restricted to a few mountain tops, but locally common; found growing on exposed sites among rocks, boulders, scattered low shrubs and dense Lomandra tussocks.