Stems fusiform, usually curved, 8-16 cm, 8-12 mm in diam., rigid, unbranched, with 3-9 nodes, internodes 1.5-2.5 cm, with many twisted longitudinal ridges, brownish yellow when dry, glossy. Leaves often 2 or 3, on upper part of stem, ascending, oblong or narrowly oval-oblong, 10.5-12.5 × 1.6-2.6 cm, leathery, base contracted, with clasping leathery sheath, apex acute. Inflorescence subterminal on previous year’s or older leafy stem, pendulous, 3.5-9 cm, slender, laxly few flowered; peduncle with basal sheaths 3 or 4, ovate; floral bracts ovate-triangular, ca. 1 mm. Pedicel and ovary ca. 2.5 cm. Flowers spreading, thinly textured, golden yellow. Dorsal sepal lanceolate, ca. 12 × 5-6(or more) mm, 5-or 6-veined, slightly obtuse; lateral sepals ovate-lanceolate, ca. 12 × 7 mm, 7-veined, apex slightly obtuse; mentum subglobose, ca. 3 mm. Petals oblong, ca. 12 × 7 mm, 3-veined, margin densely long fimbriate, apex obtuse; lip suborbicular, concave, ca. 2 cm wide, base narrowed into a short claw, margin compoundly fimbriate; disk densely shortly villous. Column ca. 4 mm; anther cap subconic, ± glabrous, front margin irregularly dentate, apex obtuse.