Olivegreen to tawny or bronze plants, in part covered with innumerable yellow spots giving a granular appearance; young internodes angled or compressed-keeled soon becoming terete, often stout, to 6 cm long; nodes slightly swollen; branches with 1 pair of basal cataphylls 0.6-1 cm above axil, rarely with a second pair. Petiole ca. 0.5 cm long; blade coriaceous, ellipsoid to ovate, to 9 x 7 cm, apex obtuse to rounded, base tapering into stout, indistinct petiole; venation obscure but apparently basal-palmate. Inflorescence fairly stout, to 4 cm long; 1 or 2 pairs of basal cataphylls about 0.2 cm apart, followed by 3 or 4 fertile internodes, distal one mostly very short and rounded apically, larger ones with 5-9 flowers per fertile bract, usually 2-seriate. Fruit broadly ovoid, 0.4 x 0.4 cm, perianth segments more or less open.