Herbs epiphytic, monopodial. Roots velamentous, fleshy, glabrous. Stems very short. Leaves early deciduous, conduplicate, articulate, sessile, minute. Inflorescences axillary, 1–10-flowered racemes; peduncle slender. Flowers resupinate, large; sepals and petals similar, spreading, distinct and free, lanceolate; lip free, 3-lobed, small to very large, lateral lobes relatively short, middle lobe entire or deeply lobed, basal spur elongate; column very short, without foot; clinandrium prominent, truncate; anthers terminal, incumbent, operculate; pollinia 2, globose, waxy, hard, attached to single or separate stipes; stigma entire; rostellum deeply notched; ovary pedicellate. Fruits capsules, narrowly cylindric, ribbed.