Stems long-creeping, 5--6 mm diam. Leaves clustered to well separated, arching, 1.5--2.5 × ca. 1 m. Petiole straw-colored to brown, darker at base, lustrous, 1/2 to equal length of blade, sparsely pubescent with soft, jointed hairs at base when young. Blade bright green, lustrous, ovate, 2--4-pinnate, 1/2 to nearly as wide as long, base obtuse, apex acute, sparsely pubescent throughout to nearly glabrous abaxially. Basal segments of pinnules opposite; ultimate segments mostly oblong-ovate, base inequilaterally cuneate, margins incised-dentate. Sori globose to almost cylindric; indusia tubular or cylindric. Spores trilete, prominently 3-lobed, surface irregularly tuberculate. 2 n = 188.