Shrubs. Leaves membranous, petiolate; stipules minute. Inflorescences ter-minal or axillary, the flowers rarely solitary, disposed in cymes or umbels, ebrac-teolate. Flowers pedicellate; calyx 4-lobed, the lobes persistent; corolla rotate, the tube often shorter than the lobes, glabrous within, the lobes 4, contorted; stamens 4, exserted, the filaments short, attached near the corolla mouth; style slender, the stigmas capitate or the 2 lobes evident, the ovary 2-celled, the ovules numerous, imbricate, the placentas peltately adnate to the septum. Fruits cap-sular, small, turbinate or obovoid, scarious to coriaceous, costate, loculicidally dehiscent from the apex; seeds numerous, subglobose, minute, obtusely angular, the testa hard, granulate.