Leaflets usually 9, occasionally 7 or 11, opposite or subopposite except sometimes the uppermost pair, coriaceous, 2.8–7(8.5) × 2–3.7 cm, broadly ovate to occasionally lanceolate or ± elliptic, rounded and only slightly asymmetrical at the base, obtusely acuminate at the apex, glabrous above, minutely appressed-pubescent beneath when young but usually glabrescent; petiolule 1–3.5 mm long, pubescent.
Fruits 2.2–3.7 cm long, 1.4–2.5 cm broad, somewhat laterally compressed, obliquely positioned on the pedicel, the style base persisting at the apex as a beak or short apiculum, brown puberulous or tomentellous.
Seeds 1 per fruit (or 2 in Flora du Congo Belge, but not confirmed in material seen from the Flora area), reddish-brown to blackish, shiny, 8–13 × 7–8.5 × 3.5–5 mm, ± lenticular,.
Buds up to 4–6 mm long; sepals normally 5 (recorded as 6–7 in F.F.N.R.), 4–5 mm long, brown pubescent outside, cream or brownish inside, often reflexed in full flower.
Flowers 0.8–1.2 cm across (less if sepals are reflexed), in panicles up to 35 × 20 cm; inflorescence axes appressed brown-pubescent; pedicels 2.5–6 mm.
Stamens normally 5, rarely 6, sometimes with up to 5 staminodes; anthers 2–2.5 mm long; filaments 1.7–2.2 mm long, straight.
Petals normally 5, insignificant, whitish, 1–1.5 mm long, elliptic or lanceolate with a short claw.
Tree up to 23 m high with a rounded spreading crown; bark grey, smooth but flaking.
Ovary c.1.5 mm long, brown tomentose; style c.2.5 mm, glabrous except at the base.
Young branches brown puberulous to pubescent.