A nearly or quite glabrous herb, annual, ascending or decumbent, 25-305 mm [as '1-12 in.'] long, simple or usually branched at least at the base; upper internodes usually exceeding the leaves; radical leaves rosulate, oblanceolate or obovate, obtuse at the apex, tapering towards the base, pinnatisect, pinnatifid or toothed, 0.125-1 in. long, 0.063-0.375 in. broad; petiole about as long as or shorter than the blade; upper leaves, opposite, verticillate or alternate, oblanceolate or oval, pinnatifid or pinnatipartite, 0.334-1.5 in. long, lobes obtuse; peduncles axillary, slender, solitary, 1-flowered, exceeding the leaves, 1-4.5 in. long, furrowed; calyx-segments ovate or broadly lanceolate, acuminate, acute, shortly ciliate, green, 0.083-0.125 in. long, marked at the back with the raised slender midrib; corolla 0.25-0.5 in. broad, with two pits; stamens 4, all fertile; lower filaments bent at the middle, undivided, with a membranous dilatation; anthers all cohering; capsule ovoid-subglobose, obtuse, somewhat oblique, 0.167-0.25 in. long.
Annual to 40 cm. Leaves lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Flowers axillary, 2-saccate, greyish pink, apricot or white with red centre and yellow patch below sinus of each lobe, limb 9-21 mm long, sacs yellow, 1.0-1.6 mm long, posterior filaments geniculate and swollen. Capsules broadly ovate, 5-10 x 4-7 mm, fruiting pedicels S-shaped.