Evergreen suffruticose perennial up to lm high. Leaves ovate, acuminate, reniform to cuneate and attenuate at base, (11-)18-37(-50) x (5-)8-16(-23) mm, with multicellular eglandular and short-stalked glandular trichomes; petiole (1.0-)1.2-5.5(-14.6) mm long. Inflorescence of monochasial cymes (inflorescence units), (1)2 or 3(4) umbellately arranged, often compounded; inflorescence axis (1.6-)3.3-10.8(-16.0) mm long; longest peduncle of scorpioid cymes (1.7-)4.5-11.6(-22.7). Bracts: secondary bracts lanceolate, (2.2-)2.6-4.5(-6.2) x (0.2-)0.3-0.5(-0.6) mm, pubescent; tertiary bracts lanceolate, unequal, larger one (4.7)6.7-12.0(-16.0) x 1.0-1.3(-1.6) mm, with multicellular eglandular and large and small short-stalked glandular trichomes. Calyx: tube 1 mm deep; lobes 3.5 mm long, margins membranous and ciliate, with large and small glandular trichomes. Corolla: tube (5.5-)8.0-9.8(-12.0) mm deep, sericeous, with medium-headed glandular trichomes; lip in lower position ovate, (7.2-)9.8-16.5(-22.3) x (2.4-)2.9-5.6 (-8.6) mm; lip in upper position narrowly elliptic, (8.0-)10.0-16.2(-21.3) x (1.6-)2.2-3.4(-4.0) mm; purple with dark purple honey-guides below filaments on lip in lower position, and on white background on lip in upper position. Stamens: filaments with short and long, straight and curved, multicellular, eglandular trichomes, white; anther thecae superposed, separated, purple. Disc cupular with crenate top and 2 short stubby awns. Gynoecium: stigma bilobed; style exserted, sparsely strigose; ovary ovoid, with curved multicellular eglandular trichomes and stalked glandular trichomes. Fruit a short-stalked clavate capsule, with glandular and eglandular trichomes, (9.4-)10.4-13.1(-14.0) x (1.5-)1.8-2.3(-3.0) mm. Seeds (2.0-)2.2-2.7(-2.9) x (1.5-) 1.8-2.2(-2.3) mm, rough and tuberculate. Flowering time: plants have been collected in flower throughout the year, but there is a very marked peak in collections in July and August.
Perennial suffrutex, 0.3-1.8 m high. Leaves ovate, acuminate. Inflorescence monochasial cymes. Bracts lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla purple with dark purple honey-guides on lip in upper position; lower lip ovate; upper lip narrowly elliptic. Disc cupular, 2 short stubby awns. Flowering time Feb.-Nov. Fruit stalked, clavate. Seeds rough and tuberculate.
Sprawling, shortly hairy shrublet to 50 cm. Leaves opposite, ovate. Flowers in axillary cymes, magenta; floral bracts small and sepal-like. Capsules not dehiscing elastically.
A low herb.