Perennial herb, erect or scrambling, 30-300 cm tall; stems (sub) 6-angular, sometimes with prominent ridges, shortly pale-pubescent with retrorse and/or antrorse hairs or soon glabrescent. Leaves ovate or lanceolate, 3.3-15 x 0.8-5 cm, base rounded or obtuse to cuneate or attenuate, apex acute to acuminate, apiculate, surfaces finely antrorse-pubescent, particularly on veins beneath, or largely glabrous; lateral veins 3-7 pairs; petiole 3-63 mm long or uppermost leaves sessile. Inflorescence of ± numerous umbellately arranged cymules aggregated into dense conical, cylindrical, subcapitate or verticillate spikes 1.5-10(25) x 2-4 cm, often interrupted by reduced, bract-like leaves; umbels subsessile or peduncles to 8.5 mm long; main axis bracts linear-lanceolate to ovate-acuminate or obovate-caudate, 5-21 x 0.5-7 mm, green, green-brown or purplish, sometimes with pale 'windows'; cymules sessile or peduncules to 5 mm, antrorse-or retrorse-pubescent; cymule bract pairs subequal to unequal, ratio 1-1.6:1, green, green-brown or purple-brown, with ± conspicuous pale or purple 'windows', larger bract lanceolate, narrowly ovate, elliptic or somewhat oblanceolate, 9-21.5 x 2-8 mm, base cuneate, apex acute-mucronulate to caudate, surface prominently 3-veined, often with few to numerous short glandular-and eglandular-hairs, main veins and margin antrorse-pubescent, margin and midrib often also with few to numerous long spreading hairs; bracteoles green, green-brown or purple-brown with broad pale-hyaline margin, lanceolate, 5-16.5 x 1-2.5 mm, apex acuminate to caudate. Calyx lobes 3-6 mm long, glandular-and eglandular-puberulent and shortly ciliate, sometimes with scattered longer ascending or spreading eglandular hairs. Corolla 17.5-34(36) mm long, pink, mauve, purple or rarely white, with purple guidelines, pubescent externally, limb with interspersed shorter glandular hairs; tube 7.5-14.5 mm long; lip held in upper position narrowly oblong to ligulate, 10-20(23) x 2.5-4.3 mm, palate glabrous or sparsely puberulous at mouth; lip held in lower position oblong-elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 10.5-21 (26) x 4-10 mm. Staminal filaments 9.5-22 mm long, sparsely hairy beneath towards base; anther thecae 0.8-1.2 mm long, superposed or slightly overlapping, somewhat oblique. Style sparsely strigulose. Capsule 5-9 mm long, glandular-puberulous towards apex, often with interspersed short eglandular hairs or these along flanks; placental base elastic. Seeds lenticular, 1.2-2.3 mm in diameter, with verruciform tubercles.
Form A: Perennial herb, up to 1.2 m high. Inflorescence axis shorter than 5 mm so that inflorescence appears contracted into axil. Tertiary bracts 3-6 mm broad, with white windows between veins at their bases. Secondary bracts very narrowly lanceolate, with many stalked glandular trichomes. Corolla tube longer than 10 mm, lip in lower position longer than 15 mm. Capsule (6-)7-9(-10) mm long. Flowers purple. Form B: As for form A, but secondary bracts obovate, markedly apiculate, with few stalked glandular trichomes.
Perennial herb or suffrutex, sometimes scandent, 0.2-1.2 m high. Inflorescence with 1-many ‘umbels’ in each axil, axis (0.2-)0.7-2.8(-19.0) mm long. Bracts: tertiary ones narrowly obovate or narrowly elliptic, windows present. Corolla purple, (16-)24-31 (-40) mm long; tube (8-)11-14(-18) mm long; lip in upper position (8-)12-18(-26) x (1.6-)2.1-3.4(-5.0) mm; lip in lower position (8-)13-18(-24) x (3.0-)3.8-5.9 (-10.0) mm. Flowering time Feb.-Oct. Seeds testa with no hooks on tubercles.
A herb or shrub. It grows 1 m tall. It keeps growing from year to year. The stems have grooves along them. The leaves are simple and alternate. The leaves are oval and hairy on both sides. The flowers are in dense groups at the top of the plant or in the axils of leaves. They are pale pink.