Perennial herb up to 100 cm tall; stems 6-angular, shortly antrorse-pubescent. Leaves somewhat unequal, lanceolate or linear, 2.8-12.3 x 0.6-1.6 cm, base cuneate to attenuate, margin shallowly repand, apex acute to obtuse, upper surface sparsely pilose or glabrous, veins beneath and margin antrorse-or spreading-pubescent; lateral veins inconspicuous; petiole 4-24 mm long. Inflorescence axillary, (1)2-4 umbels of 3-5 cymules per axil; peduncle of innermost umbel at each axil 2-9 mm long but outermost umbels usually subsessile, peduncles pilose; main axis bracts lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 4-8 x 0.3-2 mm, apex ± cuspidate; longest cymule peduncle in each umbel 2-6 mm long; cymule bracts often unequal in size within each umbel, those of central cymule sometimes markedly larger, pairs unequal, ratio 1.3-1.55:1, green, smaller of each pair somewhat paler, larger bract broadly ovate, 11-18 x 7-11 mm, base rounded, apex attenuate into a prominent mucro (smaller bract usually obtuse with a short mucro), palmately 5-7-veined, outer surface finely pubescent, with longer hairs on veins, margin and exposed inner surface of larger bract with dense long silky hairs; bracteoles pale-hyaline, linear-lanceolate, 1.5-3 mm long. Calyx lobes 2-3 mm long, glandular-puberulent. Corolla 12-15 mm long, pink, eglandular-pubescent externally; tube 7-9 mm long; lip held in upper position oblong-elliptic, 5-6.3 x 2-3.2 mm, palate puberulous; lip held in lower position (obovate-) elliptic, 5-5.8 x 2.3-3.8 mm. Staminal filaments c.5 mm long, shortly hairy; anther thecae 0.6-0.8 mm long, superposed and oblique. Style sparsely strigulose or glabrous. Capsule 6 mm long, shortly glandular-pubescent with occasional long eglandular hairs; placental base elastic. Seeds discoid, c.2 mm in diameter, with minute hooked tubercles.