Evergreen suffruticose perennial up to 1 m high. Leaves ovate to narrowly elliptic, acuminate, attenuate at base, 26-41(-42) x 8-13(-14) mm, with many multicellular eglandular trichomes and cystoliths; petiole (1.7-)2.0-4.3(-4.6) mm. Inflorescence of monochasial cymes (inflorescence units), (1 or 2)3(4) umbellately arranged, sometimes compounded; inflorescence axis (4.0-)4.2-7.0(-7.4) mm long; longest peduncle of inflorescence units (2.4-)4.1-12.9 mm long. Bracts: secondary bracts 2, free, lanceolate, (4.7-)5.1-6.6 x 0.6-1.0(-1.1) mm, pubescent, sessile; tertiary bracts oblanceolate, unequal, larger one (13.6-)13.8-16.1(-16.4) x (0.4-)0.6-1.1(-1.5) mm, almost tomentose, trichomes multicellular and eglandular. Calyx: tube 1.5 mm deep; lobes, lanceolate, 5.5 mm long, margins membranous and ciliate, with small glandular trichomes on outer surface. Corolla: tube (7.3-) 7.5-9.0 mm long, sericeous to tomentose; lip in lower position ovate, (7.1-)8.8(-9.0) x 2.0-2.7 mm; lip in upper position narrowly elliptic, 7.0-8.4(-8.8) x (-3.6) mm; light purple with dark purple honey-guides on white background on lip in upper position. Stamens: filaments with short and long multicellular eglandular trichomes, white; anther thecae superposed, purple. Disc shallowly cupular with crenate top and 2 short stubby awns. Gynoecium: stigma shortly bilobed; style sparsely strigose; ovary ovoid, sparsely pubescent. Fruit pubescent, 9.0-10.1 x 2.1-2.5 mm. Seeds 2.0-2.2 x 1.8-2.0 mm, rough and tuberculate. Flowering time: in the field the plants were beginning to flower in January, and were flowering profusely when revisited in May, whereas the plants in cultivation were still in flower in August of the same year. It appears that the species flowers throughout the year, but more profusely in winter.
Perennial herb, up to 300 mm tall. Leaves with grey-green indumentum of eglandular trichomes. Tertiary bracts narrower than 4 mm and longer than 14 mm, length to breadth ratio less than 6.2 : 1. Corolla longer than 14 mm. Flowers mauve.