Herbs, slender, fragile, the branches 4-angled, delicately porcate, the grooves densely hairy, the nodes well spaced. Leaves ovate or oblong ovate, 1.0-3.5 cm long, 0.5-1.5 cm wide, acute at the apex, rounded or obtuse at the base, occa-sionally truncate, usually inequilateral, with 1-2 pairs of veins arising from the base or with 1 pair of basal veins and 1 pair along the costa, membranous, con-colorous, densely villose above and beneath; pedicels to 1 cm long, pubescent; stipules free, linear oblong, to 2.5 mm long, curled. Pedicels to 2 mm long. Flowers with the hypanthium ca. 0.5 mm long, glabrous, the raphides scattered, the calycine cup 0.2 mm long, the lobes-4, subtriangular, ca. 1 mm long with a small gland at the junction of 2 calycine lobes,-the remaining floral parts not seen. Fruits didymous, oblong reniform, to 0.65 cm long, drying black, lustrous, pu-bescent; pedicels to 2 cm long.