Plants green to red-brown. Stems to 1 cm, central strand present. Stem leaves weakly appressed when dry, weakly spreading and not keeled when moist, mono-morphic, oblong-lanceolate, grooved adaxially along the costa near leaf apex, 0.6-0.9 mm, base oblong in shape, margins broadly recurved in proximal 3/4 of leaf to near apex, entire but often notched laterally, apex subulate to irregularly dentate-clavate, caducous (deciduous early), commonly ending in a conical cell; costa percurrent to excurrent, not strongly spurred, not much widened or tapering, without a pad of cells, adaxial costal cells rectangular, ca. 4 cells wide at mid leaf, guide cells in 1 layer; basal laminal cells weakly differentiated medially, walls thin to evenly thickened, short-rectangular, not perforated; distal laminal cells 8-10 µm wide, 1:1, smooth or weakly conic-mammillose at apex, lumens quadrate, walls thin, weakly convex on both sides of lamina, distal leaf margins 2-stratose in deciduous part of apex. Specialized asexual reproduction by thickened, caducous leaf apices, often toothed. Sexual condition unknown. Sporophytes unknown. Distal laminal KOH reaction red.