Plants very small, forming small cushions, green above, brownish below; terricolous. Stems erect, 3-4 mm high, branched; in section oval, central strand present, inner cortical cells large, thin-walled, outer cortical cells in 2-3 rows, smaller, incrassate, reddish. Leaves appressed, weakly twisted around stem dry, widespreading to recurved wet; ungulate to broadly ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-1.0 mm long; apex rounded to obtuse; margins entire, recurved from base to near apex or infrequently reflexed to plane in some leaves. Costa ending well below apex; ventral and dorsal superficial cells rounded-quadrate above, rectangular below, smooth; in section round, guide cells 2-3, incrassate, slightly larger than other cells, ventral surface cells incrassate, smooth, dorsal substereid band of 2-3 cells, dorsal surface cells incrassate, smooth. Upper laminal cells rounded-quadrate to angular, incrassate, smooth; basal cells not differentiated or rectangular, thin-walled, smooth. Gemmae infrequent, axillary, multicellular, obovoid, 60-65 µm, brownish. Dioicous? Perichaetia terminal, leaves oblong, 0.5-1.0 mm long; apex rounded; chlorophyllous cells in distal 2/3 of leaf. Seta 5-6 mm long, reddish yellow; capsule short-cylindrical, 1 mm long, reddish yellow; peristome absent; operculum rostrate, to 0.4 mm long, ± oblique; calyptra not seen; spores round, 16-18 µm, granulate.
Plants very small. Stems 3-4 mm long, central strand present. Leaves appressed when dry, ligulate to ovate-lanceolate, 0.5-1.0 mm long; apex rounded to obtuse; recurved or reflexed to plane; costa ending well below apex, ventral stereid band absent. Upper laminal cells rounded-quadrate, incrassate, smooth. Gemmae axillary, obovoid. Capsule short-cylindrical, peristome absent.