Plants small, caespitose, green to yellow-green; terricolous. Stems to 10 mm high, simple; in section round, central strand very small, inner cortical cells lax, outer cortical cells in 1-2 rows, small, incrassate, reddish. Leaves incurled dry, erect wet; lanceolate to ovate-acuminate, 1.5-2.0 mm long, lamina unistratose; apex broadly acute; margins bistratose, cells slightly smaller than laminal cells. Costa percurrent, ventral superficial cells quadrate, smooth, dorsal superficial cells rectangular, smooth; in section oval, guide cells 4-5, ventral cells in 1(-2) layer(s), large, mammillose, dorsal stereid band 2-3 cells thick, dorsal surface cells undifferentiated. Upper laminal cells irregularly quadrate to short-rectangular, smooth or nearly so; marginal cells quadrate, smaller; basal cells rectangular, thin-walled; basal marginal cells in 1-3 rows, narrowly rectangular. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves undifferentiated. Seta 8-10 mm long, reddish yellow; capsule short-cylindrical, 1.5 mm long; peristome divided to base, filaments erect, papillose, yellowish red; operculum rostrate, 0.8 mm long; spores sub round, 15 µm, granulate.
Plants caespitose. Stems up to 10 mm long, central strand very small. Leaves incurled when dry, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-2.0 mm long; apex broadly acute; margins bistratose; costa percurrent, ventral stereid band absent. Upper laminal cells irregularly quadrate to short-rectangular, ± smooth, basal cells rectangular, thin-walled. Capsule short-cylindrical, peristome teeth divided.