Fruit on a pedicel c. 15 mm. long; fruiting carpel several-seeded, 5 x 3–4 cm. when ripe, cylindric, not constricted between the seeds, not usually apiculate, with scattered stellate hairs, rugose, oily, green when immature, probably ripening to yellowish, sessile or sub-sessile.
Flowers solitary (? or in few-flowered groups), axillary, on leafless shoots; pedicels c. 5 mm. long, rusty-stellate-pubescent; bracteoles ovate-orbicular, cucullate, densely brown-pubescent outside, almost glabrous within, enclosing the bud, caducous.
Petals brownish-yellow, thick, rather fleshy, subequal (6) 8–10 (12) mm. long, triangular-ovate, obtuse or apiculate, shortly grey-stellate-pubescent outside, glabrous within (except sometimes round the margin).
Sepals 5–7 mm. long, triangular or orbicular-ovate, acute or apiculate, brown, stellate-velutinous outside, greyish-tomentose within.
Branches spreading, rather sparsely stellate-tomentose at first, soon glabrous, with prominent and persistent leaf-bases.
Shrub or small tree, sometimes scrambling or climbing, up to 4 m. high or higher; bark flaking.
Stamens 1.5–2 mm. long, linear or obconic, glabrous.
Seeds c. 2 x 1 cm., bean-like.
Carpel densely pubescent.