Plants (15-)30-60 cm. high, often in tufts.. Leaves 2.5-4(-6) cm. long, narrowly lanceolate, 6-15(-25) mm. wide.. Stem bearing short leaves below, and sheathing, bract-like leaves above, branched irregularly; sheathing leaves 2.5-3 cm. long, often dry and brownish; old inflorescences sometimes producing branches with a terminal cluster of leaves, and ultimately rooting.. Rhipidia with spathes 3.5-5(-5.5) cm. long, outer ± half as long as inner, obtuse to emarginate.. Flowers white with yellow nectar guides on outer tepals, claws of outer tepals orange dotted, style-branches blue or white flushed with blue above.. Outer tepals 2.4-3.5 cm. long, claw ± 1.6 cm. long, limb 1.2-1.6 cm. long, spreading to recurved, inner tepals 24-28 × 9-12 mm., spreading to recurved.. Filaments 5-9 mm. long, free or united below; anthers 3-6 mm. long.. Style 2-3 mm. long, the branches 7-9 mm. long, 4-6 mm. wide; crests ± 5 mm. long.. Capsule ovoid-cylindric, erect, usually rostrate, 1.5-3 cm. long, surface fissured or nearly smooth.. Fig. 2/1-2.
Perennial herb, geophyte, 0.3-0.6 m high; stem irregularly branching. Leaves crowded at dense fan-shaped basal rosettes, linear-ensiform, sheathing. Spathe 35-50 mm long, apex obtuse-emarginate. Flowers white; nectar guides yellow; tepal claws orange-dotted; outer tepals ciliate in midline, papillate; limbs spreading to recurved. Stamens free, united or contiguous in lower half; anthers 3-6 mm long. Ovary 8-15 mm long, ridged; style 2-3 mm long, with blue or white branches. Flowering time Sept.-Apr. Capsule 20-30 x 14 mm, ovoid-cylindric, usually rostrate.
Flowers white with yellow nectar guides on outer tepals, claws of outer tepals orange-dotted, style branches blue or white flushed with blue above; outer tepals 24–35 mm long, claw c. 16 mm long, limb 12–16 mm long, spreading to recurved; inner tepals 24–28 mm long, 9–12 mm wide, spreading to recurved.
Perennial, evergreen herb, up to 0.6 m high. Capsule 20-30 mm long, erect, rough-walled, usually furrowed and with a conspicuous beak. Leaves linear-ensiform, 250-100(-600) mm long. Flowers white with a yellow nectar guide and blue to blue-flushed style branches.
Stem irregularly branched, bearing short leaves below, and sheathing bract-like leaves above; sheathing leaves 25–30 mm long, often dry and brownish; old inflorescences sometimes producing branches with a terminal cluster of leaves, and ultimately rooting.
Evergreen, rhizomatous perennial, 30-50 cm. Leaves sword-shaped. Flowers white with violet style arms, outer tepals with yellow marking at limb base and line of yellow hairs on claws, lasting a single day.
Ovary 8–15 mm long, lightly ridged; style 2–3 mm long, branches 7–9 mm long, 4–6 mm wide; crests c. 5 mm long.
Rhipidia spathes 35–50(55) mm long, the outer about half as long as the inner, obtuse to emarginate.
Capsule erect, 20–30 mm long, ovoid-cylindric, usually rostrate, surface fissured.
Filaments 5–9 mm long, free or united below, anthers 3–6 mm long.
Leaves 25–40(60) × 6–15(25) mm, narrowly lanceolate.
Plants (15)30–60 cm high, often tufted.