Large tree, nearly 50 m high with 30 m clear trunk, ca 1 m diam., with branched buttresses and reddish brown, papery scaly bark; wood pinkish or pale red brown. Leaves elliptic, 17-19-nerved, 12½-16 by 8-10 cm, with obtuse apex, obtuse to rounded base, and entire to very slightly undulate margin. Petiole 5-5½ cm long, with 7-8 mm broad wings. Raceme 6-flowered, with tortuous, ca 6 cm long axis. Flower known only in bud. Sepals 5, the outermost one (and probably in the open flower the other ones of approximately the same size) 22 by 25 mm. Petals present. Stamens in 2 rather distinct groups, the outer ones, ca 60, fertile, decreasing in size towards the centre, 5-2½ mm long, with 0.3 mm long acute acumen; the inner ones, ca 90, sterile, ca 1 mm long. Carpels 12, in bud ca 2 by 1 mm, with 1 mm long style, each with 12-14 ovules. Fruit unknown.