Tree, ca 35 m high with 15 m clear trunk, ca 40 cm diam., with reddish brown papery scaly bark and brown wood. Younger branches densely villose. Leaves elliptic to ovate-elliptic, 9-14-nerved, ca 10-21 by 6-17½ cm, with rounded, slightly acuminate apex, rounded base, and dentate margin, more or less villose on both sides. Petiole 2½-7 cm long, with linear-oblong, caducous wings. Raceme 2-flowered, up to 6 cm long, with densely villose axis. Flowers incompletely known, possibly never quite expanding. Sepals 5 (or 7),), variable in size from 29 by 21 to 35 by 30 mm, the outer ones slightly villose outside. Petals 5 or 6, yellow, c. 36 by 32 mm. Stamens ca 90, 20 mm long. Carpels 8-11, ca. 14-18 by 3-4 mm, with 9-11 mm long, recurved styles; each carpel with 13—14 ovules. Fruit dehiscent. Carpels c. 30 by 15 mm, 1-3-seeded. Seeds 5 by 5 mm, black, with 7 mm long aril split on one side.