Tree, up to 40 m high with 25 m clean trunk, 90 cm diam., with reddish bark. Leaves elliptic to obovate, 4-8-, usually 6-7-nerved, ca 5-12 by 3½-6½ cm, with rounded, sometimes slightly emarginate, to obtuse apex, acute base, decurrent along the petiole, and entire margin. Petiole 1-1½ cm long. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2(-3) serially placed, less often 3-6 on the apical part of a branch in the axil of distinct leaf-scars. Flowers ca 3½ cm diam., on 2½-1½ cm long pedicels. Sepals 5, ovate to elliptic, the outer one ca 8½ by 7 mm, the inner four 12-16 by 8-11 mm. Petals yellow, about oblong, 20 by 9 mm. Stamens in 2 distinct groups, the outer ones ca 110, 4-4½ mm long, straight in bud, the inner ones ca 10, 10-11 mm long, distinctly thicker than those of the outer group, with their apex reflexed in bud; opening with lateral longitudinal slits. Carpels 4-6, usually 5, ca 4-4½ by 1-1½ mm, with 5½-6½ mm long styles; each with 7-10 ovules. Fruit dehiscent. Carpels ca 15 by 12 mm, 1-2-seeded. Seeds obovate, 3 by 2 mm, enclosed by a red, membranaceous aril.
In primary or old secondary lowland forests, on wet, often peaty soil. Seems to be flowering at irregular intervals.
In primary and also in old secondary lowland forests, growing on wet, often peaty soils.