Shrub, 3 m high or higher, with smooth bark, scaling off in plates. Leaves rigidly chartaceous, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate, ca 7-9-nerved, 3½-7 by 1.1-2½ cm, with acuminate apex; acute base, decurrent along the petiole, and entire to slightly undulate margin; glossy above. Petiole 1-1½ cm long. Flowers solitary or, rarely, in a 2-3-flowered raceme, ca 5 cm diam. Sepals 7-9, elliptic to obovate, the outer ones ca 12 by 7 mm, the inner ones ca 15 by 10 mm. Petals lemon yellow, ca 3 by 1.3 cm. Stamens in 2 distinct groups, the outer ones ca 70, 7-8 mm long, straight in bud, the inner ones ca 20, 12-16 mm long, with their apex reflexed in bud. Carpels 5-8, usually 7, bright red, ca 6-8 by 1½-1.8 mm, with 12 mm long, white styles, each with 6 ovules. Fruit dehiscent. Carpels 15 by 10 mm, 1-seeded. Seeds obovate, 3½ by 2.8 mm, enclosed by a yellow, membranaceous aril.