Dimocarpus Lour.

Dimocarpus (en)


Angiosperms > Sapindales > Sapindaceae


Trees or shrubs, mostly monoecious. Indumentum often partly or mainly consisting of dense tufts of hairs; no glandular scales. Leaves spirally arranged, paripinnate, rarely unifoliolate, 1-7-jugate, hairy, often glabrescent; without pseudo-stipules; neither petiole nor rachis winged. Leaflets (opposite or) alternate, not or hardly papillose beneath, lower side often with naked glands; base equal-sided to oblique; margin entire to dentate. Inflorescences terminal and sometimes in the upper leaf-axils. Flowers unisexual, actin-omorphic. Sepals 5 (or 6), confluent at base, imbricate, equal, not petaloid, outside densely tomentose, inside short-hairy at least in the upper part, not ciliate, entire. Petals 0-5 (or 6), mostly longer than sepals, ± oblanceolate, no scale. Disc entire, 5-lobed, hairy. Stamens (6-)8(-10), either equal (mostly) or more or less distinctly alternately long and short, exserted or not; filaments usually hairy, often tufted; anthers glabrous. Pistil sessile, 2-(or 3-)merous; ovary broadly cordate, tuberculate, hairy, usually each wart crowned by a hair tuft; style slender, slightly shorter to longer than the ovary, variably hairy at least in the lower half, hairs mostly tufted; stigma with spreading lobes. Ovules 1 per cell, attached axillary near the base. Pistillode small, densely pilose. Infructescences with thickened and sometimes lengthened pedicels; calyx persistent under the fruit, slightly or not accrescent. Fruits: nearly always only 1 lobe developed, globular or broad-ellipsoid, indehiscent or sometimes loculicidal, warty, sometimes smooth, rarely spiny, mostly gla-brescent, inside smooth, glabrous. Seeds ± globular; hilum subbasal, nearly orbicular, big; testa shining blackish brown, with a thin, translucent-white, fleshy arillode which is attached around the hilum.
Trees or shrubs, usually monoecious. Leaves paripinnate; leaflets opposite or subopposite, entire or serrate. Thyrses usually large, terminal, or fascicles, stellate or tomentose; bracts and bracteoles subulate, small. Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx cupular; sepals 5, imbricate, stellate or tomentose. Petals 5 or 1-4, sometimes absent, usually spatulate or lanceolate, without scales. Disk acetabuliform. Stamens (male flowers) often 8, exserted; filaments hirsute; anthers ellipsoid. Ovary (female flowers) obcordiform, 2-or 3-lobed and 2-or 3-loculed, densely tuberculate, tufted stellate and tomentose on tubercles; ovules 1 per locule; style between ovary lobes; stigma 2-or 3-lobed. Fruit deeply lobed into 2 or 3 schizocarps, usually 1 or 2 developed; fertile schizocarp berrylike, subglobose, with small sterile schizocarps at base, pericarp leathery (crustaceous when dry), endocarp papery. Seeds subglobose or ellipsoid; testa leathery, smooth; hilum elliptic, slightly large; pseudotesta fleshy, embedding all or half of seed; embryo straight, cotyledons thick. 2n = 30.
Shrubs or trees, mostly monoecious. Indumentum of stellate or tufted and simple hairs. Leaves spirally arranged, paripinnate (1–7-jugate), rarely unifoliate; leaflets alternate or subopposite, entire or serrate-dentate, usually papillose below and with naked glands along midrib, rarely along margins. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, panicle-like; cymules sessile or stalked. Flowers unisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx cupular, usually deeply 5-lobed; lobes imbricate, hairy. Petals 5 or 0, rarely 6, mostly longer than sepals, oblong-obovate or ±oblanceolate, shortly clawed, hairy or with glabrous apex, papillate; scales absent. Disc complete, 5-lobed, hairy. Stamens 6–8 (–10); filaments usually hairy. Ovary sessile, 2-or 3-lobed; ovule 1 per locule; stigma 2-lobed. Fruit 1-(or 2)-lobed, globular or broadly ellipsoid; lobes indehiscent, warty or sometimes smooth or spiny. Seed dark or blackish brown, shiny, enveloped by fleshy translucent white aril.
Trees or shrubs with simple or stellate hairs. Stipules wanting. Leaves alternate, paripinnate, rarely unifoliolate; rachis ending in a distal process (rudimentary leaflet); leaflets serrate or entire. Inflorescences distal or less often axillary, paniculate thyrses with flowers in lateral dichasia. Flowers actinomorphic, functionally unisexual (falsely polygamous); calyx of 5-6, imbricate sepals that are connate at base or free; petals 5(6) or wanting, without appendages; disc annular, 5-lobed, pubescent; stamens (6-) 8 (-10), anthers dorsifixed; ovary 2(3)-carpellate, with a single ovule per carpel; style filiform, with 2-3 stigmatic spreading lobes. Fruits of 1(2) indehiscent, or tardily dehiscent, warty, smooth, or spiny mericarps Seeds with a thin, translucent-white, fleshy aril around the hilum.
Life form -
Growth form tree
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality monoecy
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses The fruits, especially of D. longan subsp. longan, are esteemed by the Chinese and others, and that subspecies is often planted, especially outside the area in which true Rambutans can grow. The wood of some species seems to be of good quality, but it is used only locally; it may be that sizeable stems are often hollow.
Dimocarpus longan Lour. subsp. longan (Longan) is cultivated for its edible fruit in Asia, New Guinea and north Queensland.
Uses wood
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Dimocarpus unspecified picture


Dimocarpus world distribution map, present in Australia, Botswana, China, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:36370-1
WFO ID wfo-4000011765
INPN ID 445981
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Dimocarpus Pseudonephelium

Lower taxons

Dimocarpus foveolatus Dimocarpus fumatus Dimocarpus leichhardtii Dimocarpus yunnanensis Dimocarpus australianus Dimocarpus dentatus Dimocarpus scandens Dimocarpus gardneri Dimocarpus longan